Mezzanine Floors for Robotics

In the rapidly evolving landscape of robotics and automation, optimising your facility’s layout is crucial for maximising efficiency and productivity. Hi-Level Mezzanines offers bespoke mezzanine floor solutions tailored to the specific needs of businesses integrating robotics into their operations.

Benefits of Mezzanine Floors for Robotics

Optimal Space Utilisation

Mezzanine floors effectively double or triple your usable space by adding intermediate levels. This allows for the accommodation of robotics, automation systems, and storage solutions without the need for expanding your physical footprint.

Cost-Effective Expansion

Avoid the expenses and disruptions associated with relocating or building extensions. Mezzanine floors provide a budget-friendly solution that enables growth within your existing premises, making them an ideal choice for businesses looking to scale efficiently.

Versatile Applications

Whether you need additional storage, office spaces, or production areas, our mezzanine floors are designed to support various configurations and loads. This versatility ensures that your facility can adapt to evolving operational requirements.

Enhanced Productivity

By optimising your warehouse layout, mezzanine floors can significantly improve order fulfilment processes and overall operational efficiency. The integration of robotics on these floors can streamline tasks such as picking, packing, and transporting goods within the warehouse.

Support for Automation Systems

Our mezzanine floors are perfect for accommodating complex automation systems, including conveyor belts and robotic workstations. This integration facilitates smoother workflows and reduces manual labour, leading to increased throughput and reduced operational costs.

To learn more, check out our Sector Spotlight, which details the top 5 benefits of mezzanines for robotics.

Custom Solutions for Your Robotics Needs

At Hi-Level Mezzanines, we understand that every business has unique requirements. Our end-to-end services include custom design, professional installation, and regulatory compliance, ensuring that your mezzanine floor is perfectly tailored to your needs and meets all necessary safety standards.

  • Design: Using advanced CAD software, we create detailed plans that optimise your space for robotics and automation.
  • Installation: Our experienced team ensures a seamless installation process with minimal disruption to your operations.
  • Compliance: We handle all building regulations and safety standards, ensuring your mezzanine floor is both compliant and secure.

Hi-Tile – Innovative Flooring for Robotics

Hi-Tile is the best flooring system for robotics applications and is available exclusively from Hi-Level.

Hi-Tile is made up of 7mm textured PVC tiles that interlock seamlessly. Its electrostatic resistance and anti-slip surface make it perfect for robotics solutions. It is also extremely durable and comes with our 10 year wearability warranty.

Hi-Tile can be retrofitted to an existing structure or installed as part of a new mezzanine project.

To learn more, please check out the Hi-Tile product page.

Case Studies

Explore our case studies to see how Hi-Level Mezzanines has helped businesses across various industries enhance their operations with mezzanine floors. Our clients, including some of the biggest names in the business, have consistently praised our solutions for their effectiveness and reliability.

Get Started Today

Invest in a mezzanine floor from Hi-Level Mezzanines to unlock the full potential of your facility. Contact us for a free quotation and discover how our innovative solutions can help you maximise space, enhance productivity, and support your business growth.

robot with box
warehouse robot on floor tile
warehouse with floor tiles

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